lunes, 7 de julio de 2014

Hello, already ended The Summer Fashion Festival, I hope you have been good for everyone. They can come and collect her things, will return tomorrow 08 July, to all those who have not picked up. See you next year. Best regards. Hola, Ya ha terminado el Summer fashion Festival, espero que haya sido satisfactorio para todos. Pueden venir a recoger sus cosas, mañana 08 Julio, devolveré a todos los que no hayan recogido. Nos vemos el año que viene. Saludos Cordiales. Ariadna Garrigus

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

Coming Soon!!


The Summer Fashion Festival is here again. So get ready to see the best sun fashion on 20th June, when the Festival will open doors.

We're looking forward to see you all there!!

ArisAris Team.